Our Story

There was a magic associated with the food our mothers and grandmothers so lovingly cooked for us. It had a wholesome quality to it, a purity – that we in present times have been unable to replicate for ourselves and our children.

That purity has been somehow tarnished by the deluge of preservatives, pesticides, and hormonal additions that characterise our food today – be it the fruits we buy from the local sabziwala or the vegetables we so carefully pick out from shiny supermarkets.

We are a product of what we eat. However much we may abide to live healthy, if the food we consume comes with a toxic garnish of chemicals and preservatives, it is no wonder that our society is rife with medical conditions that didn’t exist a few decades before.

ORGANIC LIFESTYLE gets you the most healthful, uncontaminated, natural & organic range of food and body care products to sustain your health, all under one roof. Founded by an ex-IT professional who gave up a lucrative IT career in a bid to replace the poison from our lives, which so thinly veils as “food”.

“A gift from our grandparents” – Our aim is to rewind back to the simpler times of our grandparents’ generation, and bring back the purity and quality that we took for granted back in the day.

From a local farmer in ‘Bundelkhand’, to your doorstep – We work hand-in-hand with hundreds of conscious brands and thousands of local farmers to source the finest food items from around the country. A percentage of the sales margin goes out to each of the farmers associated with us – enriching the lives of both the consumer and the community.